Ciracas to Soon Build 20 Septic Tanks for the Needy
Reported by Nurito | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Those tanks will touch five urban villages. Each gets four tanks
The Ciracas Sub-district, East Jakarta is collaborating with the Creative Team from the community to build 20 septic tanks for the needy in the near future. As the initial stage, it will be realized in one of residents' houses at Gg H. Eman, RT 012/05, Susukan Urban Village.
Ciracas Sub-district Head, Mamad said it is the third stage. Previously the first stage had built 10 septic tanks in 2019 and 17 other tanks were realized in 2020.
PD. PAL Jaya will Install 2,000 Subsidized Septic Tanks This YearHe explained the program packaged in the Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM) program was to help residents have healthy homes completed with septic tanks or latrines in their homes. All this time they had been throwing feces into the drains or the river around the house. If it was ignored, it would pollute the surrounding environment.
"Hopefully we can achieve this target and the sub-district creative team will continue to carry out this noble social task," he explained, Thursday (6/17).
To realize it, his side had set aside a budget amounting to Rp 30 million, which is the result of fundraising from the public or donors by the creative team.
"Those tanks will touch five urban villages. Each gets four tanks," he concluded.